

Generally the best time to book Duqm to Muscat flights is two months in advance. The cheapest days to fly are Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. Sunday is the most expensive day.

There are 1 direct flights from Duqm to Muscat.

Average duration of direct flight is: 1h 15m

Yes, the driving distance between Muscat to Duqm is 561 km. It takes approximately 6h 13m to drive from Muscat to Duqm.

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Oman Air flies from Muscat Airport to Duqm 6 times a week.

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Oman Air flies from Muscat to Duqm 6 times a week.

The quickest way to get from Muscat to Duqm is to fly and takes 1h 56m.
