Located far outside the Hormuz Strait, the Special Economic Zone at Duqm (SEZAD) is strategically located on international shipping lines.
2.5 billion people market
SEZAD has unique advantages to help you position your business close to the fastest growing markets in the Middle East, South Asia, East Africa and beyond. Duqm is your gateway to regional and global trade.
An integrated transport system through modern road network, ports and airport
- An airport with integrated facilities
- Deep and multi-purpose Port
- A network of Morden roads
- Future rail network
We offer a wide range of business support services exclusively by a single dedicated point (one stop shop)
Never Been This Easy…
Our One-Stop-Shop offers a simplified approach for registering your business and investment interest. A dedicated team engages with you directly to assess your specific requirements in the form of leased land, manpower, utilities, and so on.
We offer an integrated package of incentives and benefits designed to provide investors with a distinct, competitive advantage when they set up their business, including:
- 100% foreign ownership
- No currency restrictions
- No minimum capital requirement
- Tax exemption up to 30 years from the date of commencement of operations, renewable for a further 30 years.
- 100% repatriation of capital and profit is permitted.
- Usufruct agreements up to 50 years, renewable for similar periods